Sunday, March 10, 2024

The reason for "less hair" was found!

 Have you also started to suffer from hair loss and hair loss in summer? What are the causes? 

Don’t blow dry your hair after washing it

The high temperatures in summer also make many people lazy to dry their hair after washing it! However, this bad habit not only easily promotes the growth of fungus on the scalp, but also easily causes the hair to become frizzy and prone to breakage. It is recommended that you wrap your hair with a highly absorbent towel after washing it, which can effectively speed up the blow-drying process.

Direct exposure

If you go out or visit the island at noon in summer, if you do not take good sun protection measures, your scalp will be exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, which may easily cause dehydration, causing Synthetic Wigs hair damage and loss. Avoid direct exposure to the sun at noon. In addition, you should also moisturize your scalp.

Drinking too much cold drinks

In the hot summer, people like to eat ice products and drink ice drinks to cool down. However, this habit will not only cause hair follicles to shrink suddenly, but also cause poor peripheral circulation and other conditions such as insufficient qi and blood, which will lead to scalp weakness and hair loss.

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