Friday, April 12, 2024

How to make hair thicker and lighter?

 Reasonable diet: The main component of hair is protein, so you should ensure you get enough protein in your daily diet.

Scalp Massage: Regular scalp massage helps promote blood circulation and provides more nutrients to the hair.

Reduce the number of perms and dyes: Frequent perms and dyes can seriously damage your hair, causing it to become thin and dry. Minimize the number of times you perm and dye your hair to give your hair enough time to recover.

Pay attention to your daily habits: wash your Synthetic Wigs hair with warm water and avoid using overheated water to damage your scalp and hair. Avoid pulling your hair too hard and use a gentle comb to reduce damage to your hair.

For more hair knowledge, visit our blog. If you want to try a new hairstyle or color, you can choose a custom wig.

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