Monday, November 20, 2023

Add a sense of style to short hair!

 When the seasons change, everyone will choose to trim their hair or change their hairstyle, but how to add some fashion to short hair? It's better to let the short hair "curl"


Center parted wavy curls

The sweet and playful middle-parted wavy curls Synthetic Wigs , combined with the wavy curls on both sides and the middle-parted hairstyle, not only visually make the face smaller, but also have the effect of modifying the face shape, easily creating a small V-face. It feels very suitable for women with round and square faces!

Large side curls

Starting from the ears, fluffy and romantic curls are permed, visually reversing age and showing individual femininity.

Slightly rolled on both sides

For women with wider foreheads, this kind of short hair with slight curls on both sides has a very obvious modifying effect. It not only modifies the face shape, but also creates an overall mature charm. She looks like a goddess of temperament!

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