Monday, September 11, 2023

How to prevent wigs from fading?

 Nowadays, wigs have become a very popular fashion item as they not only cover hair loss but can also change a person's appearance.

Although Wigs are available in different styles and colors these days, wigs fade over time.

So how can you prevent wigs from fading?

1. Store wigs properly

When not in use, the wig can be placed on the model's head or on a Wig Standers; If it is not used for a long time, it is best to put it in a wig-specific bag or box and then store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight (Be careful not to store wigs together with chemicals .)

2. Pay attention to UV protection

If you want to go out with a wig, it is best to use a wig spray with UV protection, which can protect your wig from the sun's UV rays.

3. Avoid heat fixation

To prevent your wig from fading, avoid using heat styling tools on your wig. If you need these tools to style your wig, it is best to use a low heat setting and a heat protectant spray to avoid damage to your wig.

4. Clean the wig carefully

When cleaning your wig, it is best to use a mild shampoo and avoid using hot water as hot water can damage the hair to some extent. Also, during the cleaning process, be careful not to rub the wig too hard to avoid tangles and wash it in the direction of the hair.

Next time we'll tell you what you should do if your hair has faded?

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