Wednesday, September 20, 2023

The more frequently you wash your hair, the faster it becomes oily?

 How often do you wash your hair?

Some people wash it once a day, some people wash it every three days, and some people even wash it once a week.

How many days are correct?

Because scalp oil is mainly a secretion of sebaceous glands, if the secretion of sebaceous glands is strong, scalp oil will naturally become more serious.

However, some people are born with an oily scalp, while some people's excessive secretion of oil is caused by improper washing methods.

Under what circumstances will scalp oil production increase?


Hot and humid conditions stimulate sebaceous glands to produce more oil.

Hormonal changes

Generally, people with high androgen levels tend to have strong sebaceous gland secretion. In severe cases, their hair may be oily and unsightly just half a day after washing their hair. Washing once a day is really not an exaggeration, but this type of hair loss will most likely lead to seborrheic alopecia. Be careful!

 Spicy and greasy food

People who like to eat spicy and greasy food should also pay more attention. These foods can easily stimulate the sebaceous glands to secrete too much oil, so the scalp will also become more oily.

Eating a lighter diet is also good for your body.

Stay up

 Staying up late will overload your body, lead to endocrine disorders, increase androgen secretion, and increase scalp oiliness.

And it will make you lose your hair.

Wash your hair with cold water

Summer is too hot, so many people choose to wash their hair with cold water because it feels like it can clear away the heat and relieve the heat.

However, the temperature of cold water is too low and it is difficult to dissolve grease, thus affecting the effect of decontamination and descaling.

Grease cannot be washed away, so your hair will become oily soon after washing.

It is recommended that the water temperature be between 38°C and 42°C, which can not only promote blood circulation of the scalp, but also provide smoother nutrient supply to the hair and promote scalp metabolism.

Excessive cleaning

Oil secretion is used to keep hair and scalp moist and healthy

However, frequent shampooing will leave the scalp in an over-clean state and lose the protection of oil.

So when the sebaceous glands sense that the scalp is dry, they will secrete more oil to protect our scalp and hair.

Then you feel your hair becomes oily faster and wash your hair more frequently, causing your hair to become oilier the more you wash it.

People who have a lot of oil can naturally wash their Synthetic Wigs every day.

But your hair produces less oil, so it’s best to wash your hair less often, 2-3 times a week, or even once a week.

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