Tuesday, September 19, 2023

What are the external factors causing hair loss?

 What external factors can cause hair loss?

Hair tied too tightly

Anyone who has had braids knows this well. When your hair is tied too tightly, your entire scalp will feel tight. After a period of time, your entire scalp will even feel super painful.

This method of tying your hair can easily cause hair to fall out, and a too tight ponytail may permanently damage the roots of your hair, thus accelerating shedding.

Therefore, when you usually tie your hair, be sure not to tie it too tightly. A low ponytail or loose hair is also a good choice.

Overuse of hair heating tools

Frequent use of hair heating tools, such as hair dryers, curling irons, ironing boards, etc., will cause damage to the roots of the hair if the hair is overheated or overstretched.

Try to use heating tools as little as possible. If you must use them, do not overheat them.

Excessive perm and dyeing

Hair perming and dyeing require the use of a large amount of hair dyes, bleaches, perms, etc., which will destroy the structure of the hair and lead to hair loss.

It is recommended that after perming and dyeing your hair, you should wait at least half a year before perming and dyeing your hair again. Or you can choose Synthetic Wigs

Emotions and Stress

We all know that poor mood and excessive stress will affect the secretion of hormones in the body. Especially under long-term stress, it can easily cause hormone imbalance in the body, thus affecting hair growth and causing hair loss. 

Learn to release emotions and relieve stress

Unhealthy diet

Hair is made of protein and needs nutrients to grow

However, unhealthy eating habits may cause malnutrition, protein deficiency, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, etc., which can easily lead to hormone imbalance in the body, thereby causing hair loss.

You still need to pay more attention to your nutritional intake in your diet.

 Environmental pollution

Pollutants such as chemicals, smoke and dust in the environment will accumulate in the hair and scalp. Failure to clean them thoroughly can easily cause hair follicles to become clogged, eventually leading to hair loss.

Wear a hat when going out, or perform deep cleaning of your scalp regularly to reduce the accumulation of pollutants.

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